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Using Bins In Dynamics 365 Business Central

When setting up warehouse locations, you can decide whether a location is managed with our without bins. This depends on the corresponding warehouse organization in the company. In Dynamics 365 Business Central, bins are the smallest operation unit which specify the exact position of an item within a location.

Working with Bins

However, working with bins must first be set up. On the location card of the relevant location, you can find the toggle “Bin Mandatory” in the register “Warehouse”.

Warehouse Bin Mandatory

To activate the toggle, there must be no inventory posted on that location.

Furthermore, you have to set the “Default Bin Selection” to define the method of determining the default bin. The options are “Fixed Bin” and “Last-Used Bin”. The first one means that e.g. for put-away and inventory pick, there will always be the same bin suggested in the field “Bin Code”. The second method means that this field will be filled with the bin code that was last used for an inventory posting. It is always possible to switch between these two options before posting.

Now, the bins need to be created. There are two methods for this. If you decide to do it manually, click on “Bins” in the location card menu to access the bins table for the location. Then define a code and description for your new bin.

Location Card Bins

Alternatively, you can use the “RapidStart Services” to create lots of bins at once via Excel.

If you decide to do it automatically, you can generate them by using the “Bin Creation Worksheet”.

Calculate Bins

To do that, you need to define a template in the “Bin Templates” table that provides the proper base for the automated bin calculation per location. Then you can use the “Bin Creation Worksheet” and its function “Calculate Bins” to automatically calculate the bins according to the set parameters.

Calculate Bins - Default Values

These parameters are the template code and the From / To numbers in the categories “Rack”, “Section” and “Level”. The “Field Separator” defines a character to separate the categories. After confirming the parameters, Business Central suggests bin codes and their descriptions, which can then be created by clicking on “Create Bins”.

Calculate Bins Field Separator

Both methods require the user to be set up as warehouse employee for the relevant location.

Afterwards, item quantities can be posted to their bins. These quantities are bin contents, which can be accessed via the search function. On each item card, the bin contents can also be accessed by clicking “Related”, “Warehouse” and then “Bin Contents”.

Item Card - Bin Contents

The bin contents can be characterized with the three attributes “Fixed”, “Default” and “Dedicated”. If the “Fixed” attribute is set, this means the item permanently linked to this bin. The “Default” attribute means the bin is the default bin for this item. The attribute is set so that this bin will be suggested automatically for postings. A bin with the “Dedicated” attribute is only available for a certain resource and can be used exclusively for certain operations.

Please note: once the decision to work with bins is made, all item postings in the different documents need to have a bin code.