This is probably
the biggest Mistake You can make in your Digital Transformation
the biggest
Digital transformation affects all divisions, processes and employees and is essential for ensuring a healthy, competitive future of a company. When implementing this long-term project, however, you should definitely avoid one big mistake…
Customers at the Center of your Actions
Due to the transparency of the Internet, your customers can nowadays switch to another vendor with just a few clicks. Thus, you must not only do something to attract new customers - but also to retain your current customers.
Staying in your Comfort Zone? Not a permanent Solution!
One thing is certain: if you continue to work on the basis of traditional or even outdated ways of thinking, you will remain in your comfort zone and this can only work temporarily - if it works at all!
Sooner or later, this behavior will result in declining customer numbers and declining revenues and the importance of your company on the market will dwindle. In addition, you will probably lose employees preferring a more modern workplace or more modern business premises.
Software Implementation based on old Knowledge?
So much for the theory. What does it look like in practice? Unfortunately, the majority of companies still prefer to implement their new software based on old knowledge. Most of them are also not really motivated to modernize their business processes and try to adapt them to the current expectations of their customers.
This is because managers often do not take enough time to encourage and motivate their employees to think and act the way necessary.

Pitfalls in ERP Projects: 4 common Mistakes
that you should
definitely avoid
that you
Old Wine in new Bottles - the biggest Mistake in your Digital Transformation
And here’s the mistake: digital transformation is often mainly associated with the terms ‘technology’ and ‘digital’. In fact, many companies place less or no emphasis on the “transformative” part - the ability of technology to improve business functions and customer focus.
Do you feel caught out reading this? What does this mean for you? Quite simply: if you do not establish a new way of thinking and acting, you are just taking all your old business processes and reports into the new system! Including your outdated data and - probably worst of all - your outdated thinking about how you interact with your customers.
In other words: if you upgrade your software without modernizing your business processes and the skills and mindsets of your employees, including those of the managers, this can only lead to disappointment. As you are just pouring old wine in new bottles. And this is the biggest mistake you can make in your digital transformation.
Your Success needs a Transformation of your Company - not just new digital Technologies!
To succeed with your digital transformation initiatives, you need to address the changing market demand, the interests of your customers and the impact on your employees. The success of these projects depends on the second part of the term - the “transformation”.
The goal of your digital transformation should be to expand or preserve the characteristics, capabilities and strengths of your company being decisive for competition.
Among other things, this depends on realistic visions of the future, interpersonal trust, clearly defined interim targets and full support from top management. It is also important that both senior and middle management in the company lead by example so that all employees support the change. Digital transformation cannot be bought, nor does it work according to the plug-and-play principle!