Cleaning out for Migration to the Cloud How to get rid of
old Customizations and
ensure your Ability to innovate
Are you planning to migrate your ERP solution to the cloud? Many companies are currently preparing their cloud migration - usually either because they see many advantages in areas such as functionality, availability, flexibility and innovation. Or because more and more vendors are announcing restrictions on availability, support and expected innovations. The challenge for almost all companies that still use on-premises software is to get rid of their customizations. 🚮 How do you do this in the best possible way?
Traditional Implementations: Customizations enabled specific Ways of Working
With traditional ERP implementations, it was completely normal to program in application-specific functions for individual companies. The Danish vendor Navision Software even advertised at the time with the slogan “Navision works exactly the way you work”. So it was no wonder that many customers invested in customizations, sometimes to secure and strengthen their competitive advantages, but often to avoid necessary organizational changes. As a result, many companies lost flexibility, had problems with upgrades and ultimately had to make do with an outdated version.
Today: ensuring Speed, Adaptability and Innovation with the Standard
It is now 2023 and the world has become extremely transparent. Moreover, your current and future customers want maximum speed, adaptability and continuous innovation. For this reason, many companies feel compelled to adapt (as best they can) to the desired standard. Also because the cloud concept is essentially based on the shared use of IT resources with other organizations. At the same time, if you want to adhere more closely to the standard, it is necessary to dispose of existing customizations.

The outdated ERP System as a Risk Factor What you can learn from
the Southwest Airlines
Software Disaster
the Southwest
How to get rid of old Customizations - three essential Factors
You should definitely consider these points if you want to get rid of (at least some of) your old customizations.
Check your business needs. Some of your current customizations from back then were based on (then) best practices, rules and legislation. But are they still relevant today?
Identify the overlaps between your customizations and the standard of the solution. Over the years, the standard functionality of ERP systems has evolved considerably So many functions that didn’t exist back then are now part of the standard solution.
Old habits
It was not uncommon for employees to want customization because it was possible. Or simply because they were used to working in a certain way and saw no reason to change anything. Are these colleagues still working in your company at all?
Old Customizations can be dangerous and expensive - get rid of them before Cloud Migration!
Please remember that it is both dangerous and expensive to take old customizations into the new cloud era. As a Dynamics 365 partner, we can support you with all of the above steps. Feel free to contact us to discuss your specific situation and create a plan.