Fast, cheap and good The Devil's 😈 Triangle
of an ERP Project
of an
Of course, every customer wants their ERP/CRM solution to be delivered, implemented and supported in good quality, quickly and cost-effectively. In a project, however, you can realize at most two of these three goals at the same time. This is known as the “devil’s 😈 triangle”. What is the best way to resolve this conflict of objectives?
Fast, cheap and good: setting the right Priorities in the Project
In addition to the question of the appropriate project approach and a product roadmap as a “project timetable”, it is important that you take a comprehensive look at your target focus before starting your ERP/CRM project. This is because you lay the foundation stone for the success of your project in the preparation phase.
Three variables re important here: fast, cheap and good. Each of these variables has an impact on your success. In addition, your decision on the target focus has an impact on your implementation process, your organization and your budgets. Before you decide which variable should have priority in your project, you should take a closer look at each of the three aspects.
The Devil’s Triangle of a Project
Variable 1: Fast
Modern cloud-based ERP/CRM software can be up and running within minutes. Today’s solutions can configure themselves and are even capable of converting the data. But that’s just the technical aspect. The human aspect follows its own dynamic. With a completely different timeline.
It takes much longer to implement and introduce processes and to convince employees of the project - or to convince them of it in the first place. Not to mention the impact of a disruptive business model, where you may have to rethink all processes.
Implementing ERP/CRM systems poorly is quick. But the successful implementation of a solution takes a certain amount of time.
The wish for quick implementation often arises when you postpone difficult decisions. Avoid this by always making your important decisions consistently and promptly.
Variable 2: Cheap
It’s nothing new: nobody wants to pay more for a successful project than is absolutely necessary. But does that justify always looking for the cheapest solution?
This is how companies often save money in ERP/CRM projects:
- They choose a solution that promises little continuity
- They plan too little time for project preparation
- They set too low a budget for organizational changes
- They select the wrong key users
- Communication is insufficient and not effective

ERP Selection: Protect yourself from
a Discount-related Amnesia!
Variable 3: Good
Good solutions are the foundation for every successful ERP/CRM project. So this really should be your main motive - in all the discussions you have and all the decisions you make. It helps if you can give this variable the top priority in your organization. And it should be clear that no other projects will be started during the implementation.
You should select your solution carefully based on suitable criteria. We recommend Dynamics 365 Business Central. Microsoft has set itself the task of making Business Central the “world’s best ERP solution for SMEs” - among other things with an improved onboarding process.
The growth of the solution is already impressive: the SaaS platform now boasts over 15,000 customer organizations and annual growth of 200 percent in users.
Communicate your holistic Project Goals clearly and comprehensibly - so that all Employees internalize them
Not only the project management and IT, but all employees involved in the respective project must know and understand the holistic goals of the project. This is important to ensure that everyone pulls in the same direction and remains motivated. After all, an ERP/CRM project is not just a matter for IT, but for everyone involved in the project.
To do this, you need to clearly define your project goals. When communicating the goals to those involved, it is often worth including the marketing department. This allows you to communicate your project goals in a way that is understandable, clear and benefit-oriented for all employees even before the start. This in turn ensures that all employees involved know what you expect of them - and also internalize the expectations placed on them.
Focus on THIS Variable
What is the best way to resolve the conflict of objectives in the devil’s triangle? First of all, concentrate on one of the three variables - namely the variable “Good”! After all, the implementation of your new solution is the foundation for your future business success, which in turn is crucial for acquiring and retaining customers as well as employees. The quality of your IT system can thus become an employer branding tool - especially with regard to applicants from the younger Generation Y.
So don’t be tempted to rush things or cut costs by hook or by crook - at the expense of quality. As always in life, quality has its price.