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ERP Implementation

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Lots of Challenges No
ERP Project
without Risks!

A project as complex as an ERP implementation comes with its own risks - of course! However, there are a few ways to deal with them confidently - and that’s exactly what matters. 😉

An Iceberg with invisible Challenges

Imagine your ERP project as an iceberg - only some of the risks are immediately visible to you. The biggest difficulties are hidden under the surface - and that is precisely the challenge! It is important to make your individual risks visible in good time and to minimize them in order to save your team a lot of time, costs and nerves. A very well-known method that can help you with this is the so-called critical path.

One risk factor, for example, can be poor or inadequate budget planning, which can result in budget overruns. And in the worst case scenario, these can become the success killer of your project.

Jenga Tower
Project risks can jeopardize the balance and stability of a project.

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