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ERP Implementation

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Before the Project starts: Why you should use Resistance
in the

There is a lot at stake in an ERP implementation. Just think of the money, time, employee motivation, image and profitability of your company. Unfortunately, many companies still treat these types of projects as pure IT projects - without thinking about the human factors. But dealing with resistance correctly before the project starts can significantly improve the chances of success.

Software Implementation: Numerous Criteria determine Success or Failure

In today’s very confusing and rapidly changing business world, companies must fulfill numerous criteria in order for the implementation of new software to succeed. Failure to meet even one criterion can result in serious problems, project failure or even worse. Unfortunately, too many companies still learn these lessons too late. And often in the wrong order.

Only focusing on the Software?

Perhaps you intend to focus on the functionality of the new software. But in all honesty, the technology itself is less and less responsible for failures these days. The decisive factors for success or failure are often of a human nature.

In this context, you should first ask yourself the following questions:

  • Are there clearly formulated project objectives?
  • Are you able to communicate these goals to the entire team in a good and understandable way?
  • Do all employees understand the “why” behind this project?
  • Is the company open to change?
  • Are you yourself ready for it?
  • And almost more importantly: is your management open to change?

Change and Resistance: Conjoined Twins

You will probably not be able to answer the last three questions with an unqualified “yes”. But that is completely normal. After all, implementing new software requires major changes in your company - and no change works without resistance! Resistance and change are like conjoined twins. One of the biggest challenges for you is to use the resistance that arises constructively instead of fighting it - or worse still: ignoring it in the hope that the whole thing will work itself out.

Conjoined Twins
Resistance and change are inextricably linked.

Here are some ideas to help you with the selection of your software provider and the preparation of your project:

  • Carefully examine all factors that are critical to the success and failure of a project.

  • Ask your potential vendors who are on your shortlist for their experiences from previous projects, focusing on effective and ineffective behavior.

  • Motivate your potential vendors to openly criticize your implementation and change plans.

  • Supplement your selection process with a formal risk analysis shortly before the final decision. You may need external advice for this step as uninvolved experts will always express themselves openly and clearly!

Minimize the Project Risk: dealing constructively with Resistance in the Company

Good project preparation, which also includes dealing with resistance correctly, costs you time, energy and money, but this will never be as expensive as the cost of a partially or completely failed project! Therefore, deal with the above questions at an early stage and channel the energy from conflicts and resistance into constructive channels.