Your ERP System: Future-proof Solution
or Dead-end Street?
There are countless different ERP software solutions offered worldwide. Some companies only offer one ERP system, others have many similar systems. There are local vendors and real global players. 🌎 Some are among the leading companies in the technology sector and some are no longer up to date. Which of the systems are really future-proof and which are cash cows and will most likely fail at some point?
The Future of ERP
Modern cloud-based, AI-powered solutions are widely seen as the future of ERP. This raises a lot of questions:
- What is your current vendor’s position on these technologies?
- Does it have an AI strategy?
- And if so, what does this strategy mean in terms of supporting (the version of) the system you are currently using?
- Hot question: can you continue to use your current system? Or should you prepare for the switch to another system?
Déjà vu: similar Situation as in 2000
For vendors, the transition to cloud and AI is basically a similar problem to that of the year 2000. Do you remember that? At the time, nobody really believed that today’s systems would work in the new century. And all vendors were forced to review their portfolio and make strategic decisions that led to a major restructuring of the product offering. The result was that many companies had no choice but to switch to other systems.
ERP Systems as a Cash Cow 🐄
So the question is what the future holds for “older” systems. In the language of the vendors: is your current solution a strategic system for the future? Or should it rather be seen as a cash cow?
The vendor’s website often provides an initial indication. If your solution is no longer listed there, you should give it some thought. And if your solution is not mentioned at all, you probably have a big problem!
Key Importance: ERP is at the Heart of a Company
In today’s markets, ERP systems are the heart of a business as they manage essential data that is critical to success. So you can’t afford to settle for anything less than the very best. If you want to avoid unpleasant surprises, keep a close eye on your current vendor and consider what the future of your system might look like. What kind of support services can you expect? Is there a clear strategy for new features? Is there a migration path to a more up-to-date solution? Find out if you should take action.

Your ERP Implementation: What it has
in common with
Open Heart Surgery
in common
Open Heart
The Future of your Solution: Active Further Development or Dead-end Street?
In your investigation, you should pay attention to the distinction between support and further development. Of course, every vendor wants to support your system for a certain period of time. The decisive question is whether your vendor is planning active further development (of the version) of your current solution.
Conclusion: if your ERP system is of strategic importance for your company, you should do everything possible to avoid ending up in a dead-end street…