Your ERP/CRM Solution: Rear-view Mirror
or Periscope?
ERP or CRM systems have traditionally served only as a rear-view mirror and not as a periscope. They often only showed what happened in the recent past - without looking into the near future. Today, however, markets are changing at breakneck speed. We explain which software you should use to proactively manage your business.
Isolated Solutions cause Costs that you could avoid
Are you still working with subsystems? In other words, does every department, business unit or subsidiary use a different solution? If so, then you are probably familiar with this: it always costs you way too much effort to derive relevant information when it comes to managing the company. This is because the individual systems are not linked to each other - at least not completely. As a result, they don’t communicate particularly well with each other. Doesn’t really sound up to date, does it? Yet this is still the standard in many companies. When information is recorded for management, employees have to perform many recurring actions every month. And that takes up a lot of time and causes avoidable costs. You could use these resources much better to invest elsewhere.
Opportunities and Risks remain undiscovered in the Project for too long
Let’s take this idea a step further and apply it to projects. In order to successfully complete a project, it is important that you closely monitor costs so that you can intervene in good time if costs and project progress are no longer in sync. Sounds easier than it is: first of all, the information must always be up to date, because if you only realize afterwards that you should have acted, you are too late. This insight would also have benefited the Berlin airport construction project, for example. If you rely on outdated data to manage your company, you are constantly looking in the rear-view mirror and waiting for the next accident! With this strategy, both opportunities and problems are discovered far too late.
Manage your Business efficiently with Integrated ERP/CRM Systems
Fortunately, there are now modern, innovative and well-integrated ERP/CRM systems. These solutions are tailored to your industry, cost-effective and easy to implement. And they also support you with up-to-date management information. This directly saves you time and costs in the administrative area. And that alone contributes to a better margin. If you also choose a Microsoft partner for the implementation, there are further advantages that you may not even have had on your radar. It’s high time to switch to the fast lane. You should also bear in mind: a changeover does not work overnight.

Bye-bye Isolated Solutions! That's why
the Future belongs
to the Platform Approach
Swap the Rear-view Mirror for a Periscope to steer your Company safely into the Future
So make a change and opt for a modern ERP/CRM system instead of your isolated solution: replace your rear-view mirror with a periscope. In plain English: switch from your isolated solution to a platform approach. This allows you to look into the past and into the future as required. And you always have an overview of where your company currently stands. This will definitely help you in the long term. Thanks to the all-round overview, you have all aspects in mind and will guide your company safely towards the future!